Position Title: Medical Technologist

Position description to be posted: We are looking for a full-time generalist (Chemistry, Hematology, Coagulation, Blood Bank, Serology, Cepheid/BioFire) to join our lab working days (6:00 AM - 2:30 PM).  There will be some phlebotomy included in this role.  New graduates are welcome to apply.

Contact Name: Chris Casey

Phone Number: 620-241-2251 ext. 257

Fax Number:

Address: 1000 Hospital Drive, McPherson, KS 67460

Email: [log in to unmask]

Website: https://jobs.apploi.com/view/1043543?utm_campaign=jobs_snippet&utm_source=McPherson-Hospital-career-page&utm_medium=client-web-site&utm_term=apploi-snippet&_=1684525294.825862