MLS Job Openings in Montana!


Fort Harrison Veterans Affairs in Helena, Montana has job openings! To apply, students need to set-up a profile on USA, by clicking on the following link:  and searching for Fort Harrison Veterans Affairs Medical Center.


Contact person: Katie Wildgen - Lead Chemistry Technical Specialist


Katie is an alum of the WSU MLS program, and wants to encourage other new graduates and alumni to look beyond local job opportunities and look at positions in Montana! Besides Katie, two WSU alumni are working there, and she wants to share that it is possible to succeed and develop MLS skills in far-away places! 


Her advice is to travel right out of school, learn to be adaptable and develop lab experience with alumni family, in a beautiful Montana location. The program at WSU is one of the best and students should take that with honor and pride to have completed their studies. 


The need for MLS professionals is great, and jobs are plentiful at the current time, and if anyone is interested in connecting and finding out more about opportunities in Montana, Katie would be happy to speak with you.  She can be contacted at [log in to unmask].